
Photograph 11 View of landward site of bulkhead wall facing southeast. 20 Photograph 12 Close up of landward side of bulkhead wall facing southeast. 22 Photograph 13 Close up of tie back timbers tapper cut to fit into bulkhead wall slots. Each pack Contains: x1 Bulkhead Terrain Box. Dimensions: Terrain Box = Length 270mm x Width 210mm x Height 77mm. X3 28S-PRF-BULK-109: Bulkhead Square Floor 1 This floor has 4 slots for walls to be inserted to create a raised platform and has a hole in the centre to fit a ladder for access to the top. Each pack Contains.

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Home > ENGAGEMENT > Fish Passage Community > International Conference > 2013 > JUNE26 > 46

Wednesday June 26, 2013

Event Title

Concurrent Sessions B: Integrating Fish Physiology or Behavior with Passage - Ending of a Tradition: Smolts Trapped in the Bulkhead Slots of a Hydroelectric Dam

Presenter Information


Agriculture Production Theater, Oregon State University

Bulkhead Float Switch

Start Date

26-6-2013 2:10 PM

End Date

26-6-2013 2:30 PM


During turbine passage at a hydroelectric dam on the Columbia River, the possible entrapment of out-migrating salmonid smolts in the gatewell slots of the turbines emergency bulkhead slots is real. It is because of this possible entrapment of smolts that the conducting of manually dipping these gatewell slots and transporting the removed smolts downstream of the dam has been an operational practice for 23 years at Wanapum and Priest Rapids dams. Within the new FERC license issued to the Public Utility District of Grant County, WA for the operation of the Priest Rapids Project, the Utility was to look at the feasibility of installing exclusion screens that would prevent fish from entering into these bulkhead slots. Upon designing ofan exclusion screen, evaluating fish interaction with the screen (via a DIDSON camera) and also conducting smolt retention studies within the gatewell slots themselves –Grant County P.U.D. was not required to install the exclusion screens and along with ending the tradition of gatewell dipping fish at the dams.


Bulkhead SlotsCOinSBulkheadJun 26th, 2:10 PMJun 26th, 2:30 PM

Bulkhead Slots For Sale

Concurrent Sessions B: Integrating Fish Physiology or Behavior with Passage - Ending of a Tradition: Smolts Trapped in the Bulkhead Slots of a Hydroelectric Dam

Bulkhead Slots Online

Agriculture Production Theater, Oregon State University

Bulkhead Slots Game

During turbine passage at a hydroelectric dam on the Columbia River, the possible entrapment of out-migrating salmonid smolts in the gatewell slots of the turbines emergency bulkhead slots is real. It is because of this possible entrapment of smolts that the conducting of manually dipping these gatewell slots and transporting the removed smolts downstream of the dam has been an operational practice for 23 years at Wanapum and Priest Rapids dams. Within the new FERC license issued to the Public Utility District of Grant County, WA for the operation of the Priest Rapids Project, the Utility was to look at the feasibility of installing exclusion screens that would prevent fish from entering into these bulkhead slots. Upon designing ofan exclusion screen, evaluating fish interaction with the screen (via a DIDSON camera) and also conducting smolt retention studies within the gatewell slots themselves –Grant County P.U.D. was not required to install the exclusion screens and along with ending the tradition of gatewell dipping fish at the dams.